Program Overview
This postgraduate energy program will create a multiplying effect in the country through
technology localization, expert incubation, establishing strong university and industry joint research, and improving the national energy supply and industrial energy optimization. The university believes its program will help in realizing the ambitious national plan. Moreover, the well qualified professionals will help in drafting another strategic milestones in the energy sector.
With this perspective, the following justifications were the motive for developing and starting the PhD in energy program at EiT-M, Mekelle University.
- Unsustainable use of biomass and environmental impacts of imported petroleum demand
urgency of intervention and shifting to renewable energy resources - Lack of institutions and human capital of high quality that can focus on conducting
relevant research on the available resources, technologies, policies and strategies to define
the regional and national energy landscape - Improvement in the energy sector to supplement poverty reduction strategies and improve
the welfare of the society - Utilization of abundant renewable energy resources of the country
- Lack of well-trained human capacity that can explore the potential sources, capable to re-engineer/design technologies for alternative energy and study the feasibility and impact
on socio-economic, environmental and human health impacts - The most ambitious targets set for energy sector in GTP II, national growth and
transformation plan

Entry Requirement
General Requirements
At least a four/five-year bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering and a two year master’s degree in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, electrical power engineering, energy technology, thermo-fluid engineering, energy and process engineering and other related fields from institutions whose scholastic rating is satisfactory to MU.
Specific Requirements
- MSc and BSc grade point average approximately 2.75 out of 4 scale and above for female and 3 out of 4 scale and above for male. An equivalent grade is required for applicants from other countries or with degrees from other countries.
- Master’s thesis grade of B or very good and above for male and C+ or good and above for female
- Motivation letter and research proposal
- Personal recommendations from university instructors and from previous employers
- Appropriate undergraduate and graduate prerequisite course work.
- Work experience in research, teaching and industry
- An interview with two or more staff members from the area in which the candidate wishes to major. In addition to soliciting personal and background information, the interview may also include questions that would require evidence of ability to engage in research, problem solving and demonstrate ability to reasoning skills. Occasionally interviews may be conducted by skype or phone.
Graduation Requirement
For Full Time Candidates For Part Time Candidates
Four years (min)/ Six years(Max) Four years (min)/ Six years(Max)
The maximum period will count from the date of enrollment to the date of submission of the PhD theses.
Requirements of academic writings
The thesis is to be an independent piece of academic work that meets international standards with regard to ethical requirements, academic standards and method in the subject area.
The PhD student must publish at least one research article in high standard journals and one conference proceedings during his study period.
The trial lecture
After one year of study, the PhD candidate is to deliver a trial lecture. The purpose is to test the candidate’s ability to continue to his 2nd year of his PhD study. This trial lecture is mainly conducted to investigate the student’s ability in doing his research on the same topic of his PhD study. The trial lecture must be held in the language in which the thesis is written, unless the academic unit approves the use of another language.
Progress report
The PhD candidate is required to submit progress reports and present in PhD seminars to be organized by the academic unit every year. The supervisors shall also submit a separate report to the academic unit every year. The reports must be written using the prescribed forms and must be kept confidential when the information warrants this.
Submission of thesis
The application for assessment of the thesis may be submitted only after the required coursework or other academic training has been approved.
Time from submission to public defense of the thesis
The academic unit must try to ensure that the time between submission of the thesis for assessment and its defense is as short as possible. Normally, this period must not exceed four (4) months.
Selection of examination committee
The supervisor in collaboration with the academic unit shall appoint an expert committee of at least three members who are to assess the thesis and the public defense. At the same time, the academic unit sets a deadline for the report from this committee. Normally, the deadline must not exceed three (3) months.
Doctoral Examination
The public defense of the thesis must take place no later than two (2) months after the institution has found the thesis to be worthy of a public defense. The time and location of the public defense must be announced at least ten (10) working days in advance.
Approval of the doctoral examination
The academic unit takes the decision about the approval of the doctoral examination on the basis of the assessment committee’s report described in the previous section.
Conferral of the degree and certificate
On the basis of the approved required coursework or other academic training, the academic thesis and the doctoral examination, the degree of doctor of Philosophy in Energy is conferred as per the legislation of the University.
PhD Program Framework
PhD with and without coursework
There are several advantages of a Ph.D. with coursework but none of these are suitable for every student as it heavily depends on the student’s background. A PhD with a coursework in the first year will help those who are crossing over into a discipline that they’re not already deeply embedded in. A coursework PhD program is very useful for someone who took a break from academia to work for a couple of years – it would be invaluable in refreshing those basics that have atrophied during the time spent at industry. Course work has the ability to bridge the gap between the students’ level of preparedness and the body of material that he/she needed to master. It should (if taught well) also teach the students some extra research skills. It will allow students to explore different aspects of the field, to help them finalize their thesis topic. It lessens the culture shock for those going straight from fully taught study to a research degree. One of the disadvantages of PhD with course work is that it takes longer time to complete the PhD program.
The other disadvantage is students cannot start independent research immediately rather they go through more coursework.
On the other hand, PhD without course work provides students the freedom to work on their own pace with occasional meetings with supervisor(s). This fosters a professional environment, where 11 the faculty treats the student more like an independent researcher than a student (which often results in students having the confidence and ability to publish journal articles while still technically students). The program is very research intensive, allowing them to stay focused on their topic.
A PhD program without coursework is not suitable for students who work efficiently under external deadlines and with external pressures. For some, adds additional pressure because of probably the short time of the program.
Some students will benefit more from a PhD with coursework; others will benefit more from a PhD without coursework. The most important criteria between the two is knowing what type of preparation the students have had for doctoral research.
The Energy program envisaged is expected to cover wide thematic research area. The potential candidates are expected from various Universities in the country with wide range of
undergraduate and M.Sc. background. Considering the envisaged program in Energy and background of potential candidates, it is suggested to have a PhD program with structured
coursework. However, students shall get the option not to take all the coursework based on their background. If the student had taken those courses then he/she shouldn’t be forced to take the course work as they already have the foundation to undertake their PhD study independently focusing on their research. This additional option might need more effort to administer but students with enough background can be easily screened during the admission process and with consultation between students and their supervisors in identifying the coursework they should or shouldn’t take.
PhD with/without Publication
PhD without Publication approach is easy that there is no extra pressure exerted to PhD candidates other than the normal PhD research load. The research work of the students will not be disseminated and large amount of useful information will be trapped in the unpublished PhD thesis material. Unavailability of published research works on the web lessens the visibility of the University /School/Institute and can contribute to a lower rank.
PhD with publication can be regarded as a means of disseminating research undertakings. It can also boost article writing skills of candidates. Increased number of published items online will increase the visibility and contributes to a better rank. There is no major pronounced disadvantage.
The “PhD with Publication” approach should be viewed with respect to Mekelle University legislation and core policies and the existing and/or future agreement documents made with the funders of a PhD program.
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