• Program Name: Sustainable Energy Engineering

Program Overview

The Master of Science (MSc) degree programme in Sustainable Energy Engineering is designed to the needs of the 21st Century Energy Technology related industries with the necessary skills and understanding in thermal engineering, power generation, materials selection, manufacturing, computational and engineering techniques to design and develop integrated Energy Technology systems. The programme aims

  1. To give technical depth across the discipline of Energy Technology and its applications;

  1. To provide breadth to encourage innovators;

  1. To facilitate exposure to other engineering disciplines;

  1. To develop and enhance research skills.

Postgraduates will be able to move directly into responsible roles in employment with a minimum of additional training. These aims are achieved by:

    1. Providing a supportive, structured environment in which students are encouraged to develop independent learning skills;

    1. Developing subject knowledge and understanding, developing discipline skills and developing personal transferable skills, to enable graduates to pursue program of further study, or to move directly into responsible employment.

    1. Upon successful completion of this course graduates will be able to:

    1. Use advanced level knowledge and understanding of Sustainable Energy requirements to optimize the application of existing technology and to produce innovative uses for emerging technology.

    1. Provide technical expertise in theoretical, computational, and practical methods to the analysis and solution of Energy Technology problems.

    1. Demonstrate leadership in meeting the technical and managerial requirements for effective project implementation.

    1. Upon graduation Students will have the capacity for meaningful interdisciplinary interaction, a leadership role, and professional growth.


    1. Ethiopia’s requirement of energy is increasing from time to time jointly with the growing economy and industrial diversification. On the other hand, the huge industries being developed are the main consumer jointly with the improving life standard of the community and population.

    1. The biggest challenge for Ethiopia is therefore to mobilize the necessary resources to meet the generation, transmission and distribution requirements as these involve considerable investment costs. Two of the three major focus areas pinpointed in GTP-II document in relation to power generation, transmission and distribution are: increasing total power generation capacity to 20,000 MW by the end of the GTP-II, and 30,000 MW within 10 years; creating a special services system for the manufacturing sector (FDRE, 2015). GTP-II aspires to fully satisfy national demand and have surplus as well for export market. Furthermore, the country is committed in creating a green economy with reduced emission of GHGs as part of the plan. With the direction of the federal government, EiT[1]M has been working to scale up its programs into high callipered research and education.

    1. Therefore, this postgraduate energy program will create a multiple effect in the country by generating skilled and knowledgeable graduates that can work on technology localization, establishing strong university and industry joint research, and improving the national energy supply and industrial energy optimization. With this perspective, the following justifications were the motive for developing and starting the MSc in Sustainable Energy engineering program at the Thermal and Energy Systems chair.

    1. Unsustainable use of biomass and environmental impacts of imported petroleum demand urgency of intervention to shift to sustainable energy resources,

    1. Lack of institutions and human capital of high caliber energy experts that can explore the potential sources, capable to re-engineer/design technologies for alternative energy and study the feasibility and impact on socio-economic, environmental and human health impacts,

    1. Improvement in the energy sector to supplement poverty reduction strategies and improve the welfare of the society.


The purpose of the Sustainable Energy Engineering (SEE) Program is to provide state-of[1]the-art education in the fields of power generation, distribution, and energy utilization in the built environment by means of economically, socially and environmentally sustainable energy systems and technologies.

The specific objectives of the program are:

    1. To produce professional scientists with the necessary skills and knowledge of the energy sector to solve world energy related problems through demonstrated principles of engineering practices;

    1. To produce experienced engineers with the ability to design, conduct, and act on assessments and evaluations of energy generation, distribution, consumption, energy efficiency and energy marketing ;

    1. To produce professionals who are able to demonstrate an understanding that energy issues are embedded in politics, socioeconomic development, and multi-sector issues.

Program Duration2 years full time or 3 years part-time

Full time or Part-time study: